Ugly Girls Msn Addys Pretty Girls Look Ugly Sometimes?

Pretty girls look ugly sometimes? - ugly girls msn addys

Hello. I was born, beautiful, and I know that. People who tell me this several times. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I think im ok, sometimes I think I am Sometimes I i disgusting.most ugly, if I pick. and look again at old photos and found myslef so beautiful .. I have a lot of attention of children is no problem. But why does this happen? Is it possible to look like a really nice girl a *** sometimes? coz of bad hair, bad skin, etc., or pretty girls are always enough?
ps. Heres My MSN Add me to show photos or if u want


only1lad... said...

Often we see than what the company says. When confirming a large amount of praise and positive attention from others what we think we look alike. Everyone is in those moments when we ask ourselves is insecure when she as pretty as others tell us we are. So, sometimes when others are perceived, as well as an instant dislike to their own insecurity is increasing. I agree that, like what you see in the mirror, but make sure you are so beautiful, inside and abroad and is not nearly as important as what others think.

beatriz c said...

I know I am beautiful and I'm sure it makes it even more beautiful! In going to send a friend request to see what you look like

Jacob said...

haha u got Sass! do u have one or MySpace can emial me so I can see the pictures of Ur, in not lesbian, in the 16 \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt 3 .. Heres mine if u want to add me

John Doe said...

I have seen many pretty girls ..... School and remain so for some reason ... Make-up ... without eye make-up **** and I know that everything is done.

Bumumble said...

It may be beautiful, but his attitude stinks SH.IT

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